Bunnies Preschool (Shephall)
Featherstone Wood School
Featherston Road
Tel: 07754 305 185
Please also use our contact form
Bunnies Preschool (Great Ashby)
Great Ashby Community Centre
Whitehorse Lane
07562 341 589
For tips and advice to help you and your child on their first day please see our settling in tips sheet. This can be found by clicking on the Info tab at the top of the page, then settling your child.
Please check each setting for our individual opening hours.
Please see our Facebook pages for all of our latest news.
EYFS Curriculum Information
Each day we are unsure of where the day will go, or exactly what learning will happen resulting in a sense of excitement and anticipation throughout the day. Children’s interests are very much ‘in the moment’ and this
is why here at Bunnies Preschool we very much teach in the moment and our planning is often spontaneous.
Planning in the moment is all about capturing the moment for children to progress based on what the children are already deeply involved in. From this we are able to see the ‘teachable moment’ from the child’s perspective and know when to intervene and when to stand back and observe. It is all about capturing the moment of engagement and running with it to make sure the children progress.
The teachable moment
From the teachable moment the child feels valued, interesting, important, capable and able to learn as well as gaining knowledge, skills and understanding therefore making progress in one or even several areas of the Early Years Curriculum. We are able to gain a good understanding of the child’s knowledge, skills, attitude, understanding and progress.
Planning on paper
This way of working means that most of our planning is in the moment (there is little forward planning as we are following the child’s lead) We record what we have done to help the children progress each day through their ‘next steps’ and these are recorded in the children’s observations. We still have adult led activities daily and plan for things like Jolly Phonics, topics like cooking or seasonal activities using weekly plans. We talk in small groups with the children consolidating their knowledge, using prompts like ‘do you remember what happened when....’ or 'What did we do at playgroup today?...'
All observations made of the children are based on quality interactions between children or children and us teachers or record ‘wow moments’ when a child does something new for the first time. They will include any teaching that has taken place or progress that a child or group of children have made. All of our practitioners are responsible for highlighting progress in observations. Emphasis is highly placed on using ‘I wonder...’ statements e.g., ‘I wonder if...’, ‘I wonder what...’, ‘I wonder how...’. We feel that this approach to questioning is a lot less pressurising and allows the children to open up more readily. Parents are also asked to share any observations of ‘wow moments’ of their child(ren) at home via their Tapestry online journal.
EYFS Curriculum
Please see the 'Our curriculum' tab for more information on this, or follow this link to the What to expect, when?’ document. This document details each of the seven areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage and what is expected of each child developmentally depending on how many months old they are. It also details the Early Learning Goals which outline the level of learning and development that children are expected to have reached by the end of the Reception year at school. This document is also very useful to support your child’s learning at home as it details at the beginning of each age band, what you can do at home to support your child’s learning.